Julia Michalska

Jules is an Optical Connectomics Scientist at E11 Bio, providing expertise on preserving and elucidating brain tissue organization with super-resolution microscopy to facilitate light-microscopy based, scalable circuit mapping.

She has a broad background in biotechnology, bioengineering and neurobiology with a focus on developing adoptable methods for the scientific community. During her PhD at the Institute of Science and Technology Austria, she pioneered CATS (Comprehensive Analysis of nervous Tissue organization across Scales, Michalska et al., Nature Biotechnology, 2023), a technology for mapping the architecture of the brain from regional to synaptic scale with light microscopy. CATS centers around a novel labeling strategy, which visualizes all structures in fixed tissue in an unbiased fashion by highlighting the extracellular space.

Besides being a wet lab afficionado, Jules is an avid mountain climber and sourdough sculpturer.

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