Sven Truckenbrodt
Sven is the Lead Scientist of Molecular Connectomics at E11, contributing expertise in expansion microscopy and synaptic nano-architecture to E11’s mission to develop scalable brain mapping technologies.
While pursuing a PhD with Silvio Rizzoli, Sven contributed to the first quantitative model of the pre-synaptic terminal (Wilhelm et al., Science 2014) and discovered how synaptic vesicles change function and molecular composition as they age (Truckenbrodt et al., EMBO Journal 2018). Sven also developed X10 expansion microscopy, achieving a resolution of 25 nm on conventional microscopes (Truckenbrodt et al., EMBO Reports 2018; Truckenbrodt et al., Nature Methods 2019). During a pos-doc stay at IST Austria, Sven further broadened the toolbox of expansion microscopy by applying it to plants and developing multiplexing strategies.
Contrasting science with humanities and arts, Sven holds an MA in History and Literature and is a published author in the tabletop role-playing (TTRPG) scene.